sudo apt install nvidia-headless-435 nvidia-utils-435 libnvidia-encode-435 libnvidia-decode-435
Random huge package loss from OpenVPN TAP on Windows 10
This problem can show up as random package loss. Often what i have seen it comes in like floods. So, sometimes up to 50 Packages kan be sent without no problem and then you get a massive amount of package loss. normally around 70-90% for measuring ping over 10 Minutes. How to solve it?
pfSense using MS AD as user backend for OpenVPN
Using the setting below will allow VPN access to all users member of the VPN Users group.
Expand LSI array using StorCli
This is a short guide how to expand an LSI array when adding more discs and expand the filesystem
DynDNS på HA Pfsense med dynamiskt ip på wan
This is a short guide i found how to run CARP when not having access to a static IP in the internet side for the gateways.
How to Install Graylog2 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Written by Mick Pollard (@aussielunix) Totally revamped by Ola Ekegren (@olaekegren) Introduction Graylog2 is made up of a few different FOSS projects along with some homegrown stuff and brings them all together to give you lasers for your viewing pleasure ! You should be able to copypasta the below steps in a few minutes and […]
ÅÄÖ problem i Lion Terminal? eller bara vid SSH från Lion?
Här är lösningen. Kolla först att du har terminalen inställd rätt, Gå till Terminal -> Prefrences -> Settings -> Avanced (tab) kolla att du har Unicode (UTF-8) som Character encoding och att “Set locale environment variables on startup” är i kryssad nästa steg är att skapa eller redigera filen .profile som ligger i din hemkatalog. ( […]